Vismaya School of Dance



I offer Bollywood dance class lessons to students of all ages. Bollywood is an Indian form of popular dance, with fast, energetic music and a toe-tapping beat. It is easy to learn, and intensely fun. Lessons are less structured, relative to Bharatanatyam lessons, and no prior experience with dance is necessary. Bollywood dance is the perfect way to get loose, have fun, and stay active throughout the year.

For more information, contact me or visit the Community Education website, through which I teach classes.

My current classes run in eight-week sessions on Monday evenings, at West High School.

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Bharatanatyam is a form of South Indian classical dance. No prior experience with dance is required; however, the ideal age for learning this dance form is age six and older, as it emphasizes structure and precision. Dance is taught in traditional sets of dance steps called adavus, and sets of hand gestures known as mudras. Although this form of dance is more difficult than Bollywood or folk dances, it is immensely rewarding and results in some truly fantastic final products. I danced Bharatanatyam for nearly seven years before obtaining the level of expertise necessary to perform an arangetram and graduate my dance academy. Through teaching, I hope to offer my students the same journey of self-discovery that I had the opportunity to undertake.

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